Itinerary 3/6/3013-6/6/2013
So lets go for the day one
Day 1-Hong Kong International Airport (11am) > Best Western Hotel > Madame Tussauds > Victoria Peak > Best Western Hotel
Inside the bus when we going to our hotel,a great things they provide free wifi, and is very fast.Another things have to note down for HK is taking Taxi is very expensive, cheap transportation was bus and MRT,but don't worry about this, once u step out from terminal, there got a counter and people to guide foreigner how to access HK MRT,bus and taxi. Of course there got give away free map and also travel guide. MUST HAVE MAP IN HK We taking bus from airport to our hotel is only cost 33HKD for one person instead of taking taxi is cost around 220HKD, so guys please noted down.
Opps ,i forgot to mention about it is at HK using the octopus(八达通), its very convenience that you dont need keep buy MRT ticket and its access to many restaurant in HK, somethings just like taiwan 悠悠卡, can get it at 7/11 don't worry, and can get a little bit discount if you use octopus to access MRT
here come is my hotel, its located at 尖沙嘴 Austin Road.sorry i forgot to took toilet picture, the places is limit, in HK if you want get a big room is expensive, but better stay at motel(宾馆), its very disgusting for me. Well the hotel cost me rm250 per night , i think is okay for me and its very convenience go to town #this is very important. I don't like to stay far from town, its waste time and traveling time is most precious.
First stop-> Madam tussauds(杜丽莎夫人蜡像馆)->victoria peak(太平山)
here the transportation
尖沙嘴码头坐天星小轮到中环,然后新中环码头坐15c(天逢巴士), follow this,eventually you will reach there
for the ticket : 电车票+ 蜡像馆入门票 HKD 185
电车票+ 蜡像馆入门票+ 露台票 HKD 210
大家乐 before heading to madam tussauds
accidentally saw this duck at 海澳城before we taking ferry to 中环, i think all opf you guys knnow what is this
a new experiment taking ferry at HK, its same inside the drama HK
taking bus, actually very hot
tall building you can see at HK, and spot the big apple store,its impress me
inside the cable car
i think inside the madam tussauds you guys know is who,btw did you guys realize most of the pic is eric, because that day was his birthday,so i keep help him took picture,LOL
at victoria peak,btw nice view and is windy
nice view right, now i know why they called HK as 东方之珠
big coach spot at 中环
walking around 兰桂坊 because of the movie 喜爱夜蒲
tired us after reach hotel,straight away lying on bed
Day one spent
phone internet-288
octupus reload-200
hotel deposit-500
H & M-249 (by credit card)
madame tussauds_500 (two person)
stay tune for day two
till then